Items where Division is "Microwave Tubes" and Year is 2019

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Number of items: 38.

Srivastava, Vishnu (2019) Design of a 0.22-THz 100W Microfabricated Planar Travelling-Wave Tube. In: IEEE A. E. M. C. 2017, December 19-22, 2017, MIT (T) , Aurangadad - 431001. (Submitted)


Bandyopadhyay, AK and Pal, D and Indumati, S (2019) Triplet Cavity for X-Band. Sheet Beam Klystron. In: URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference(AP-RASC-2019), March 9-15, 2019, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India.

Bera, A (2019) Hyperbolic Medium and Graphene: Towards Realization of Compact Vacuum Electron Devices. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.


Chakraborty, S and Ghosh, S.K. and Latha, A.M (2019) Asymmetric Four-stage Depressed Collector with Half Cylinder Electrodes for Space Applications. In: Applied Electro magnetics Conference, 19-22 December ,2017, Aurangabad, Maharashtra (India). (Submitted)

Chakraborty, S and Pareek, P and Meena, R and Purushothaman, N and Ghosh , SK (2019) Investigation into Innovative Helix Slow Wave Structure for Performance Improvement. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.


Dhakar, AK and Rai, SK and Saini, VK and Sharma, SK and Pal, UN (2019) Characterization of Compact Short Pulse Power Supply for Non-Thermal Plasma Discharge Applications. In: 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (PPPS 2019), 23-28 June 2019, Florida, USA. (Submitted)

Divya Deepak, G and Joshi, NK and Kulhari, A and Prakash, R (2019) Development of Cold Plasma Jet Using Floating Helix Electrode Con guration. In: PLASMA-2017, November 7-10, 2017, Insititute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar. (Submitted)

Dwivedi, V and Kumar, N and Bera, A and Sharma, RK and Sinha, AK (2019) Single Mode Cold Cavity Solver Code for Gyrotron Resonator. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.


Guha, R and Ghosh, SK (2019) Analysis of Metamaterial Assisted Helix Slow-Wave Structure for Q-band. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Gurjar, N and Kumari, S and Singhal, K and Jain, S and Kumar, N (2019) Simulation Study of Electron Beam Profile near the Aperture of Hollow Cathode for High Current Density Electron Beam Generation using COMSOL. In: COMSOL Conference- 2019, November 28-29, 2019, Bangalore, India.


Khatun, H and Ranjan, O and Pareek, N and Rathi, D and Satyanaryan, K and Kulkarni, SV and Bera, A (2019) RF Measurement Techniques for Pulsed Gyrotron. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Kumar, N and Dwivedi, V and Gurjar, N and Singhal, K and Jain, S and Sharma , RK (2019) Indigenous Development of Relevant Technologies for Plasma Assisted High Power sub-THz Source. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

kumar, N and Narayan pal, U and Prakash, R (2019) Optimization Studies of Pseudospark Sourced Electron Beam for Development of Plasma Assisted Slow Wave Oscillator. In: 32nd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology ( Plasma- 2017), 07-10 November,2017, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. (Submitted)


Lamba, RP and Pal, UN and Meena, BL and Prakash, R (2019) Experimental Characterization of Radial Multi-Channel Pseudospark Switch for High Current Applications. In: 12th International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications(ICPSA-2019), November 11-14, 2019, University of Lucknow, India.


Majuinder , K and Majee, S. (2019) Study on Graphene based next generation flexible photo- detector for optical communication. In: XIX International Workshop on The Physics of Semicondutor Devices, December 11-15, 2017, New Delhi. (Submitted)

Maurya, S and Kanagaraj, N and Kr., R and Chaudhary, V.P and Kumar, M and Singh, V.V.P. (2019) Design and Development of Electromagnet for 3 MW S-Band Tunable Pulse Magnetron. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications 2017, November 17-19,2017, IIT Roorkee. (Submitted)

Maurya, S and Verma, RK and Kanagaraj, N and Kumar , M and Chaudhary, P (2019) Thermal Analysis and Emission Measurement of Directly Heated Helical Cathode for CW Magnetrons. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Meena, K and Hossain, AM and Lamba, RP and Prakash, R (2019) Simulation Studies of Dielectric Based Micro Hollow Cathode Discharge. In: 12th International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications(ICPSA-2019), November 11-14, 2019, University of Lucknow, India.

Mistry, C and Ghosh, SK (2019) Thermal Analysis of the Slow Wave Structure (SWS) Assembly of the Travelling Wave Tube. In: 20th International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC-2019), April 29-May 1, 2019, Paradise Hotel Busan, South Korea.


Narasimhan, P and Ghosh, SK (2019) Numerical Studies of Vane-type Fishnet Metamaterial Structure. In: TENCON 2019, Oct. 17-20, 2019, kochi, Kerala.

Narasimhan, P and Pareek, N and Ghosh, SK (2019) Automated Design of Slow Wave Structure of a Helix TWT using Multi-Objective NSGA-II Optimization Algorithm. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.


Pal, S and Zhang, Z and Banerjee, D (2019) Thermoelectric performance improvement in engineered amorphous Silicon. In: XIX International workshop on The Physics of Semi. Devices (IWPSD) 2017, December 11-15 , 2017, New Delhi. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Kumar, M and Meena, BL and Lamba, RP and Dwivedi, HK and Tillu, AR (2019) Development and Switching Characterization Study of Hot Cathode Thyratron for Pulse Modulator Applications in Linear Accelerator. In: 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (PPPS2019), June 23-28, 2019, Florida, USA. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Lamba, RP and Meena, BL and Kumar, M and Kumar, N and Prakash, R and Dwivedi, HK (2019) Design and Development of Multi-gap and Multi-aperture Pseudospark Switches for Pulse Power Applications. In: PLASMA-2017, November 7-10, 2017, Gandhinagar. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Verma, MK and Meena, BL and Lamba, RP and Frank, K (2019) Switching Characterization of Multi-gap and Multi-aperture High Power Pseudospark Switch (PSS). In: 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference(PPPS 2019), June 23-28, 2019, Florida, USA.

Pal, UN and Verma, MK and Meena, BL and Varun, Mr and Dhakar, AK (2019) Investigation of Electron Emission Characteristics of Multi-finger Ferroelectric Trigger Source for Pseudospark Switch. In: 2019 IEEE Pulsed power and Plasma Science Conference (PPPS 2019), June 23-28, 2019, Florida, USA. (Submitted)

Pareek , N and Latha, AM and Ghosh , SK (2019) Design Prediction of TWT Collector using Data Science. In: National Symposium on Vaccum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Pareek , N and Sarkar, N and Bera, A (2019) A Hyperbolic Metamaterial based Interaction Structure for THz Source. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.


Shankar, A and Nagaraju, A and Arya, S and Sekhwat, N and Choudhury, AR and Ghosh, SK (2019) Modelling of Electron Gun for Long Life Application. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Shukla, S.K. and Singh, A.K. and Singh, T.P and Barik, R.K. (2019) Study of Thermionic Emission Microscope for Multi-Beam Cathode. In: Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications, November 17-19, 2017, IIT, Roorkee. (Submitted)

Singh, AK and Shukla, SK and Rawat, V and Kumar, D and Prince, P and Chauhan, M and Barik, RK (2019) Development of Graphene-Based Field Emitter for THz Device Application. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Singh, AK and Shukla , SK and Singh, TP and Barik, RK (2019) Alloy Coated Controlled Porosity Dispenser (CPD) Cathodes for High Current Density Application. In: Workshop on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications, November 17-19, 2017, IIT, Roorkee. (Submitted)

Singhal, K and Gurjar, N and Jain, S and Kumar, N (2019) Investigation on the Role of Aperture Wall Thickness for the Generation of Sheet Electron Beam using COMSOL Multiphysics®. In: COMSOL Conference-2019, November 28-29, 2019, Bangalore, India.

Stanislaus, RJ and Bera, A and Sharma, RK (2019) An Approach for Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of 0.22THz RF Amplifier. In: International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET-2019), March 21-23, 2019, Chennai, India.

Stanislaus, RJ and Bera, A and Sharma, RK (2019) Investigation of a Sheet Beam RF Structure with Bragg Reflector for W band Amplifier. In: 20th International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC-2019), April 29-May 1, 2019, Paradise Hotel Busan, South Korea.


Varun, Mr. and Shukla, P and Cross, A and Ronald, K and Pal, UN (2019) Plasma Simulation and Modeling of Pseudospark Discharge for High Density and Energetic Electron Beam Generation. In: THE 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (PPPS 2019), June 23-28, 2019, Florida, USA.

Varun, Mr. and kumar, M and Pal, UN (2019) Experimental Investigation of Pseudospark Discharge Based Plasma Cathode Electron Source for the Generation and Propagation of High Density and Energetic Electron Beams. In: The 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (PPPS 2019), June 23-28, 2019, Florida, USA.

Verma, RK and Maurya, S and Singh, VP (2019) Particle-In-Cell (PIC) Simulation of Spatial-Harmonic Magnetron (SHM). In: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies, 2017, November 17-18, 2017, Dehradun. (Submitted)

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 06:23:03 2025 IST.