Guha, R and Ghosh, SK
Analysis of Metamaterial Assisted Helix Slow-Wave
Structure for Q-band.
In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.
This paper presents analysis of Q-band (39.5-47.5 GHz) helix slow-wave structure (SWS) supported by S-shaped
metamaterial in a metal envelope and its advantage over its counterpart — conventional anisotropic helix SWS. S-shaped dual-band resonant metamaterial — printed on both the radial faces of the discrete dielectric support rods which are mirror image to each other, exhibit double negative and double positive metamaterial response after exciting with transverse electric and transverse magnetic mode, respectively, at Q band. Both the proposed and conventional SWSs are simulated in CST and cold parameters, namely, dispersion and interaction impedance
characteristics have been compared. Performance of the proposed structure improves with enhanced transverse dimensions.
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