Welcome to IR@CSIR-CEERICSIR-CEERI, Pilani, India, is a pioneering research Institute in the country and a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, established in 1953, for advancement of Research and Development in the field of Electronics. CSIR-CEERI is serving the country through Research and Development in the areas of MEMS and Micro sensors, Optoelectronic Devices, Microelectronic Processing and Fabrication, VLSI Design, LTCC Technology, Nano Structures, Microwave Tubes, Power Electronics, Industrial Process Control, Agri-electronics, Instrumentation and Embedded Systems. IR@CSIR-CEERI is an online digital archive of institute's intellectual output and it is intended to create global visibility of scholarly information. IR covers, published (journals articles, conferences papers, etc.) and unpublished (theses, technical reports, etc.) digital material. Deposited items in the IR can be accessed globally and can be browsed by author, subject and year of origin. Submission of documents into the IR is restricted to CSIR-CEERI. All scientists and other researchers are welcome to submit the documents, by registering, to the IR or submit a document to CEERI-KRC for inclusion. |