Items where Author is "Kumar, N"

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Number of items: 47.

Conference or Workshop Item

Ram, SK and Kumar, N and Verma, BK and Abhishek, A and Ranjan, R (2021) Analysis of Interleaved DC-DC Converter using ANFIS Control for EV Charging Applications. In: 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT-2021), January 20-22, 2021, Coimbatore, India.

Kumar, N and Ranjan, R and Kumar, Y and Patel, SS and Vaddadi, SK and Appaiah, A and Gupta, KK and Panchariya, PC (2021) Discrimination of Various Pure Honey Samples and its Adulterants using FTIR Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometrics. In: 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS-2021), March 19-20, 2021, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India.

Patel, SS and Kumar, N and Aswathy, J and Vaddadi, SK and Akbar, SA and Panchariya, PC (2021) K-Means Algorithm: An Unsupervised Clustering Approach using Various Similarity/Dissimilarity Measures. In: 4th International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS-2021), February 26-27, 2021, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, India.

Aswathy, J and Patel, SS and Vaddadi, SK and Kumar, N and Panchariya, PC (2021) Qualitative Analysis of Edible Oils using Low Field 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Statistical Methods. In: 4th International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS-2021), February 26-27, 2021, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, India.

Singhal, K and Gurjar, N and Jain, S and Kumawat, B and Dwivedi, V and Kumar, N and Sharma, RK (2020) Analysis of Inter-electrode Gap Structure on the Generation of Pseudospark Sourced Electron Beam. In: 47th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS-2020) , December 6-10, 2020, Singapore.

Jain, S and Gurjar, N and Singhal, K and Dwivedi, V and Kumar, N and Starodubov, AV and Ryskin, NM (2020) Cold Test Analysis of W-band Planar Interaction Structure Developed Using Micro Fabrication Techniques. In: 47th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS-2020), December 6-10, 2020, Singapore.

Kumar, N and Abhishek, A and Gurjar, N and Singhal, K and Jain, S and Dwivedi, V and Anitha, VP and Singh, R (2020) Experimental Analysis of Plasma Based Miniaturized Sheet Electron Beam Source. In: 47th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS-2020), December 6-10, 2020, Singapore.

Pal, UN and Lamba, RP and Meena, BL and Kumar, M and Kumar, N and Prakash, R and Dwivedi, HK (2019) Design and Development of Multi-gap and Multi-aperture Pseudospark Switches for Pulse Power Applications. In: PLASMA-2017, November 7-10, 2017, Gandhinagar. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Dwivedi, V and Gurjar, N and Singhal, K and Jain, S and Sharma , RK (2019) Indigenous Development of Relevant Technologies for Plasma Assisted High Power sub-THz Source. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Singhal, K and Gurjar, N and Jain, S and Kumar, N (2019) Investigation on the Role of Aperture Wall Thickness for the Generation of Sheet Electron Beam using COMSOL Multiphysics®. In: COMSOL Conference-2019, November 28-29, 2019, Bangalore, India.

Gurjar, N and Kumari, S and Singhal, K and Jain, S and Kumar, N (2019) Simulation Study of Electron Beam Profile near the Aperture of Hollow Cathode for High Current Density Electron Beam Generation using COMSOL. In: COMSOL Conference- 2019, November 28-29, 2019, Bangalore, India.

Dwivedi, V and Kumar, N and Bera, A and Sharma, RK and Sinha, AK (2019) Single Mode Cold Cavity Solver Code for Gyrotron Resonator. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications(VEDA-2019), November 21-23, 2019, NIT, Patna, India.

Kumar, N and Kiranmaye, AH and Panchariya, PC (2018) Application of various Pre-processing techniques on Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy data for rapid classification of different ghee samples. In: 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications &Maharashtra Automation, August 16-18, 2018, Pune, Maharashtra. (Submitted)

Varun, Mr and Singh, G and Kumar, M and Kumar, N and Koley, R and Pal, UN (2018) Generation of High Density and Energetic Electron Beam from Pseudospark Discharge Based Plasma Cathode Electron Source. In: 33rd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology (PLASMA-2018), December 4-7, 2018, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Pal, UN and Lamba, RP and Meena, BL and Kumar, M and Singh, G and Kumar, N and Varun, Mr and Verma, MK and Prakash, R and Tillu, AR (2018) Indigenous Development of High Voltage Plasma Switches for Pulse Power Applications. In: 33rd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology (PLASMA-2018), December 4-7, 2018, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Patel, SS and Singh, A and Kumar, N and Panchariya, PC and Akbar, SA (2018) Institutional Electricity Load Forecasting using Classical and Intelligent Forecasting Techniques. In: 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON-2018), December 15-18, 2018, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Combatore.

Dixit, V and Singh, G and Kumar, M and Kumar, N and Pal, UN (2018) Investigation of High Density and High Energetic e-Beam Generation and Propagation from Triggered Pseudospark Discharge Based Plasma Cathode Electron Source. In: National Symposium on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications (VEDA-2018), November 22-24, 2018, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India.

Gurjar, N and Singh, R and M. Hossain, A and Anitha, VP and Kumar, N (2018) Simulation Study of High Current Density Miniaturized Pseudospark Based Sheet Electron Beam Source. In: 33rd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology, -2018, December 4-7, 2018, Delhi. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Kiranmaye, AH and Panchariya, PC and Singh, S (2018) Wavelength optimization in MIR spectra for discrimination of ghee. In: International Conference on Recent Advance in food Processing Technology, August 17-19, 2018, Tamil Nadu. (Submitted)

Lamba, RP and Meena, BL and Pal, UN and Kumar, N and Prakash, R (2017) INDIGENOUSLY DEVELOPED PSEUDOSPARK DISCHARGE BASED HIGH CURRENT SWITCH. In: 32nd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology(PLASMA 2017), November 7-10, 2017, Gandhinagar. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Gudlavalleti, RH and Bose, SC (2017) An Improved Highly Efficient Low Input Voltage Charge Pump Circuit. In: 21st VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT-2017), 29 June 2017 - 02 July 2017, Roorkee. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Pal, UN and Prakash, R (2016) Optimization Studies of Pseudospark Sourced Electron Beam for Development of Plasma Assisted Slow Wave Oscillator. In: 31st National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology (PLASMA 2016), 06-09 December 2016, Coimbatore. (Submitted)

Ahmed, M and Kumar, N and Pal, UN and Srivastava, V and Prakash, R (2013) Design and Characterization of Rippled Wall Slow Wave Structure for X-Band PASOTRON. In: IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power & Plasma Science (PPPS-2013), June 16-21, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. (Submitted)

Lamba, RP and Meena, BL and Pal, UN and Kumar, N and Prakash, R (2013) Design and Development of a High Current Pseudospark Switch for Pulse Power Applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power & Plasma Science ( PPPS-2013), June 16-21, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. (Submitted)

Singh, U and Kumar, A and Kumar, N and Sinha, AK (2013) Design of Triple- frequency Gyrotron. In: 14th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE - IVEC - 2013), May 21-23, 2013, Paris. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Yadav, V and Singh, U and Kumar, A and Sinha, AK (2013) Dielectric Measurements of Coolant Materials used in Gyrotron Window. In: National Conference on Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering (NIECE - 2013), February 22-23, 2013, Jaipur. (Submitted)

Kumar, A and Kumar, N and Singh, U and Yadav, V and Vyas, V and Sinha, AK (2013) Electrical Design of Brewster Window for Triple Frequency Gyrotron. In: National COnference on Innovation in Electronics & Communication Engineering (NIECE- 2013), February 22-23, 2013, Jaipur. (Submitted)

Yadav, V and Kumar, N and Singh, U and Kumar, A and Deorani, SC and Sinha, Ak (2013) RF Characterization of 28 GHz, 200 kW Gyrotron Resonator by Using Quasi Optical Bench. In: National Conference on Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering (NIECE - 2013), February 22-23, 2013, Jaipur. (Submitted)

Khatun, H and Singh, U and Kumar, N and Sahu, NK and Poonia, R and Singh, P and Sharma, SK and Mishra, A and Dwivedi, V and Alaria, MK and Ashok, K and Mukesh, K (2013) Recent Experimental Results of Magnetron Injection Gun (MIG) for 42 GHz 200 kW Gyrotron. In: 14th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC-2013), May 21-23, 2013, Paris. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Verma, D and Ahmed, M and Pal, UN and Kumar, M and Prakash, R and Srivastava, V (2013) Technological Development for X-band Plasma Assisted Slow Wave Oscillator (PASOTRON). In: 14th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC-2013), May 21-23, 2013, Paris. (Submitted)

Singh, U and Kumar, N and Kumar, A and Yadav, V and Sinha, AK (2013) Towards the Design of 100 kW, 95 GHz Gyrotron for Active Denial System Application. In: 14th IEEE International Vacuum Electronicss Conference (IEEE-IVEC-2013), May 21-23, 2013, Paris. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Prakash, R and Gulati, P and Kumar, N and Kumar, M and Srivastava, V (2012) Development of DBD based Excimer Sources and Optimization Study of Discharge Parameters. In: 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICoPS - 2012), July 8-12, 2012, Edinburgh, UK. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Kumar, N and Verma, DK and Prajapati, J and Kumar, M and Meena, BL and Prakash, R and Srivastava, V (2012) Electron Beam Analysis of Pseudospark Sourced Electron Gun. In: 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICoPS-2012), July 8-12, 2012, Edinburgh, UK. (Submitted)

Yadav, V and Kumar, N and Jha, B and Jain, PK and Deorani, SC and Sinha, AK (2012) Non-destructive RF Characterization of 28 GHz, 200 kW Gyrotron Resonator. In: National Conference on Recent Trends in Microwave Techniques and Applications ( Microwave - 2012), S. S. Jain Subodh P. G. College, University of Rajasthan, July 30 - August 1, 2012. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Kumar, M and Meena, BL and Tyagi, MS and Sharma, AK and Srivastava, V and Pal, UN (2011) Analysis of Beam-Wave Interaction in Plasma Assisted BWO. In: International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC 2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Gulati, P and Kumar, N and Kumar, M and Srivastava, V and Prakash, R (2011) Analysis of Discharge Parameters and Optimization Study of Coaxial DBDs for Efficient Excimer Light Sources. In: International Conference on Plasma Processing of Organic Materials and Polymers (PPOMP - 2011) , November 25 - 27, 2011, Kerala, India. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Saran, S and Singh, U and Yadav, V and Jha, B and Jain, PK and Singh, TP and Sinha, AK (2011) Cold Cavity Analysis for 35 GHz Gyrotron Interaction Cavity Using Free Space Method. In: XII IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC-2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Dubey, VP and Barik, MK and Lamba, V and Verma, DK and Kumar, N and Kumar, M and Meena, BL and Tyagi, MS and Sharma, AK (2011) Design and Development of Pseudospark based Hollow Cathode Plasma Electron Gun. In: International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC 2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India . (Submitted)

Kumar, A and Kumar, N and Khatun, H and Singh, U and Vyas, V and Sinha, AK (2011) Design of Interaction Cavity for 170 GHz, 1 MW ITER Gyrotron. In: XII IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC-2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Kumar, N and Verma, DK and Prajapati, J and Kumar, M and Srivastava, V and Dwivedi, HK and Prakash, R (2011) Development of Low Pressure High Current Plasma Cathode Electron Gun and Use of Associated Techniques. In: International Conference on Plasma Processing of Organic Materials and Polymers (PPOMP - 2011) , November 25 - 27, 2011, Kerala, India. (Submitted)

Singh, U and Kumar, N and Purohit, LP and Sinha, AK (2011) Electron Gun Simulation for 95 GHz Gyrotron. In: XII IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC-2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India. (Submitted)

Meena, BL and Tyagi, MS and Kumar, M and Srivastava, V and Kumar, N and Kumar, D and Kumar, H and Pal, UN (2011) Experimental Investigation for Switching Characteristics of Plasma Switches. In: 26th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology (Plasma - 2011), December 20 - 23, 2011, Patna, India. (Submitted)

Pal, UN and Gulati, P and Kumar, N and Kumar, M and Tyagi, MS and Meena, BL and Prakash, R and Sharma, AK (2011) Investigation of Discharge Parameters in Xenon filled Coaxial DBD Tube. In: International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC 2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India. (Submitted)

Ranga Rao, R and Kumar, N and Prakash, R and Singh, U and Alaria, MK and Sinha, AK (2011) Vacuum Processing of 42 GHz, 200 kW CW/Long-pulse Gyrotron. In: International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IEEE-IVEC 2011), February 21-24, 2011, Bangalore, India. (Submitted)

Singh, U and Goswami, U and Khatun, H and Kumar, N and Shekhawat, N and Kumar, A and Yadav, V and Sharma, MK and Mishra, A and Sharma, SK and Alaria, MK and Bera, A and Rao, RR and Sinha, AK (2010) Design of 42 GHz, 200 kW Gyrotron. In: 11th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC-2010), May 18-20, 2010, Monterey, CA, USA. (Submitted)

Kumar, N and Khatun, H and Singh, U and Kumar, A and Alaria, MK and Singh, TP and Sinha, AK (2010) Design of Interaction Cavity for 120 GHz, 1 MW Gyrotron. In: 11th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2010), May 18-20, 2010, Monterey, California (USA). (Submitted)

Singh, U and Kumar, N and Alaria, MK and Purohit, LP and Sinha, AK and Piosczyk, B and Thumm, M and Gantenbein, G (2010) Effect of Beam Tunnel Geometry on Electron Beam Parameters for 42 GHz Gyrotron. In: 11th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2010), May 18-20, 2010, Monterey, California (USA). (Submitted)

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 04:34:37 2025 IST.