Verma, BK and Dcvassy, S and Ram , SK and Abhishcek, Anand and Dhakar, AK
Performance of Single Phase PV Integrated DSTATCOM Operating 1n Polluted Utility Condition.
In: P E S TS E 2018, Jan. 18-20, 2018, Banguluru.
Abslm cl- In this paper, a control technique based on cas1:aded second order-generalized integrator (CSOGI) is present ed for the control of s ing ltf phase pho t ovoltaic integrated distribution static compensator -tt'V-DSTAT COIVI ). The system rnmpensatcs for reactive power and harmonics in the load current along with injecting power from PV array. Two SOG I blocks arc used to ext ral'l the fundamental component of grid voltage and load ntrrent whid1 is then used in rnntrol of PV-DSTATCOIVI. Due to the cascaded structure, CSOGI can hetter filter the third and firth harmonic voltage present in t he gri d and can extract the fundam ental component. Max imum power point tn Kkin g (MPPT) algorithm is used to get the reference voltage for ck-link vol tage control. Systc lll pcrf'o rllla nc e is evaluated by silllulating it in IVIATLAB/Simulink environment under dynamic conditions like irrndiation and load change.
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