Verma, BK and Devassy, S and Ram, SK and Abhishek, Anand and Dhakar, Ajeet Kumar
Performance Evaluation of PV Integrated DSTATCOM Based on Complex Variable Filter.
In: I C E E S 2018, Tamil Nadu , Chennai.
A disgrace—Extract titi tit‘ fundamental active component o1‘ local currency is the key for any distributii›n static compensat‹ir (DSTATCOM). ln this study, a c‹›ntrol technique based upon ci›mplex x'ariab1e Cluster and specified order generalized integrator (SOG I) has been used ftir single-phase photovoltaic integrated distribution static compensator (PV-IISTATCOM). Active component t›I’ load cm rent is extracted with the help of‘ a filter and it is used t‹i control the pulses of IJS’FATCOM. A two-stage s3stem consisting of a I'll bridge boost converter in cascade with an inverter is taken t‹i rnt›del an IISTA ca. I•»er :s drawn maximally fr‹›m the PV panel. dynamic conditions like step lead change and linear irradiation change have been employed to study the performance tit the system for this control strategy.
keywords—Pvwec quality, PV-DSTATCOM, SOG I, CC-CVF,
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