Kumar, A and Bansal, D and Kumar, P and , A and Mehta, K and Rangra, K
Surface Micromachined Electrostatically Actuated
Double Bridge Digital Micromirror for Torsional and
Piston Mode Operation.
In: 3rd ISSE National Conference-2017, October 12-13, 2017, Chandigarh.
Abstract— This paper presents development of an electrostatically actuated double bridge micromirror platform for optical applications. The ptoposed double bridge micromirror structure is fabricated using a combination of surface micromachining and gold metal electroplating. Unlike single bridge micromirror, the constituent structural layers in fabricated micromirror are hidden below the top reflective plate, which prevents unwanted reflection of light from anchor and actuation electrodes. The Double bridge structure has the advantages of lower pull-in voltage and higher fiIl factor. The proposed micromirror platform is capable of producing both torsional and piston motion by bending of cantilever beams on application of voltage between actuation electrodes and cantilever actuators. With a top refiective mirror plate of dimension 200 x 200 jim2, RMS roughness 25 nm and an actuation gap of 2.5 jim, maximum achievable tilt angle is 3 degrees at a pull-in voltage of 6.7 Volt DC in torsional motion. An axial displacement of 2.5 Atm in piston motion is also achieved with this proposed structure ,The micromirror is capable of torsional and axial scanning by application of AC voltages on selective actuation electrodes, at measured resonance frequencies of 35.23 KHz and 74.23 KHz respectively.
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