Ghosh, SK
Travelling-Wave Tubes for Space Application: Present and Future.
In: URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (URSI-RCRS 2020), February 12-14, 2020, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India.
Travelling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) and solid-state
power amplifiers (SSPAs) are the two main RI: amplifiers
for onboard communications satellites. In fact, TWTAs are
the first successful RF power amplifier technology for
communication systems since the birth of space age and
covers 60% global market among vacuum tubes for various applications. Both up-linked and down-link signals
experience substantial losses and hence must be suitably
amplified. However, demand for high power, high
frequency, wide-band, high efficiency and with the
advancements technology such as linearization,
miniaturization, weight reduction, etc. makes TWTAs
superior compare to SSPAs and also in the family of
vacuum microwave devices and resulting TWTAs as the
best choice and no other amplifiers can give similar
performance. With advancement of state-of-the-art TWTs
for space communication, for instance, wide-band, high
power, gain efficiency, reliability, light weight etc make realization of space TWT more and more complex and
challenging. However, many of the older version of TWTs
have been replaced by its counterpart, SSPA, in L, S, C and X bands where both power and bandwidth requirements
were limited. In present generation of TWTs, C, X, Ku and
Ka band TWTs are being used with vie wide-band width and
much higher performances where SSPAs cannot rival. In
addition to that, with the agility of wide-band, high
frequency, much higher performance in a single device for
next generation realization of space TWTs in above band
including W hand and so on becoming a challenge to
designers. This paper, presents the state-of-the-art space TWTS for present and future communication satellites.
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