Saini, A and Sharma, S and Jain, P and Sharma, V and Khandelwal, AK
A Secure Priority Vehicle Movement based on Blockchain
Technology in Connected Vehicles.
In: 12th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, Sept. 12-15, 2019, Sochi, Russia.
With the rapid advancement in internet connectivity, Con-
nected Vehicle network is becoming a promising technol-
ogy in the current years. However, the increased connec-
tivity most often results in intensifying risk of cyber security threats. In this regard, the network of connected vehicle is also vulnerable to various cyber-attacks. This paper discussed the security issues with connected Priority Vehicle. A priority vehicle must ensure the high level of security otherwise, the results would be devastating and the copsequences might be very scrious.To ensure the safe and secure movement of connected priority vehicle on the road using blockchain technology. In our proposed system, the priority
vehicle movement is controlled by blockchain network, and
it only accept messages and signals from blockchain authorized nodes. In particular, the priority vehicle'slocation, speed and travel time arc the important parameters that we secure using blockchain network, This paper also discusses the possible attacks on the priority vehicles and show how our solution can mitigate these attacks. Here it justifies the
effectiveness and performance of our security solution using simulation and proves that the blockchain technology shows the potential application towards securing the information in the connected vehicle network.
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