Singh , J and Kumar, A and Das, S
Tunable Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator Based on Magnetostrictive Fe65C035 Thin Films.
In: 2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, November 06-09, 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
/I /Jstra cl - We haH developed a Tunahlc Film Bulk Acoustic Wav e Resonator (TFBAR) based on magnetostrictive FeosC03; thin fi l ms . The resonator layer stack consists of Pt /ZnO/Fc6sCo Js layers for tuning of devices. \'Vhcn resonator is subject to magnetic field there is expansion in FeosCo _i; layer cine to magnctostridiw effect. This expansion in Fe6sC o.1s layer induces strain, which alters the Young's modulus of rnag netos t ricti ve la •er and this bl'11avior is denoh'd as E effrct. Tn an unbiased
rn nditi on, seri es (f,) and parallel (f.,) resona nc e freque ncy are detected at 1.14 Gllz and 1.187 GHz, respectively. When resonator was pla(•cd in magnctil- field se rie s and parallels hoth resonance frequencies are lower shifted by - 7:Wll z. Elec t ro mechan ica l coupling coefficient (k, 2) was found 9.69% when there is no magnetic field and reduced to 9.53% with magnctir fie l d. This n duction in k.2 is due to magnetic field induced strain in magnrtostri<:tive Fc,.sCOJs layer. The proposed rcsonntor is very promising nnd can be utilized for various reconfigurable microwave resona t ors, freqt1t:ncies agile devices a nd rna g net i c s nsors .
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